Islamic Blog

I want a wife who will get mad at me when I miss a prayer

muslim wife husband

I want a wife who will get mad at me when I miss a prayer… I want a wife who will pour cold water on me when I don’t get up for Fajr Salah… I want a wife who will draw me closer to Allah, who will get upset when I lie, cheat and do […]

102 Words of Affirmation Every Wife Wants to Hear

muslim wife2

women often have the feeling that life is coming at them with the speed of a fighter jet and the chaos of a riot. Add to this the voices everywhere around them saying in subtle and not so subtle ways that the job they’re doing isn’t quite up to the mark. Wives often have the […]

103 Words of Affirmation Every Husband Wants to Hear from his wife

muslim husband2

We need your affirmation – we have to have it and, oh, how we thrive with it. Typically, men are quiet about these things but that doesn’t mean we need and enjoy our wife’s affirmation any less. And every man feels it: When his woman is behind him, he feels like a lion. 1) Thanks […]

Stop comparing your spouse to others .


• If your wife has no green coloured eyes like that of your friend’s wife, so what? • If your husband has no car like your neighbour, so what? If these “lacking” make you unhappy, so why did you choose to marry him/her? By comparing your spouse to others, you will only get frustrated for […]

A few tips to make your spouse happy:

happy marridge

Remember your spouse in your duaas (prayers). It will increase the love and protect it. Look good and smell great for your spouse. IT keeps the LOVE! Give each other gifts. You will love each other more. Prophet SAWS said gifts increase love. Don’t put your friends above your spouse. Leave the past. It brings […]

Show love, respect and kindness to your spouse

good husband

Show love, respect and kindness to your spouse for the pleasure of Allah, even if its not immediately reciprocated. One of the key ingredients to any successful relationship depends on how you make the other feel. Treat each other with kindness, respect, and love… even if it isn’t readily returned. When you do kind things […]

If a person cheats on their spouse

wedding in islam

If a person cheats on their spouse, they would probably one day cheat on the one they cheated on their spouse with! So as much as we should not cheat on our spouses, we should never trust those who have got to us through cheating on their spouses no matter how much they promise. The […]


be good husband

For Marriage, the woman that you’ll choose to be your wife, the daughter in law of your parents and the mother of your kids [If Allah wills to] in this world and the Hereafter, You should to the least know what kind of woman she is/ will be during your absence. For Allah mention ” […]

Be a wife like this

muslim wife

A man said to the Messenger of Allah (SWT): I have a wife who welcomes me at the door when I enter the house, and sees me off when I leave. When she sees me grieved, asks me: ‘What are you grieved for? If you are anxious about your livelihood, it is guaranteed by other […]

I’ll never understand my wife.

muslim girl2

The day she moved in with me, she started opening and closing my kitchen cabinets, gasping, “You don’t have any shelf paper! We’re going to have to get some shelf paper in here before I move my dishes in.” “But why?” I asked innocently. “To keep the dishes clean,” she answered matter-of-factly. I didn’t understand […]